TSC Awareness Month

May is Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Awareness month. For CRF, May is all about finding small ways to make the lives of those with TSC better..

And to do that, we need your help!

This year we are raising funds to provide parking passes and meal couvhers to TSC kids and their families at SickKids.

  • For $20 you can help cover parking at SickKids for one day for a TSC family.
  • For $30 you can purchase a SickKids meal voucher and support a family by covering a hospital meal.
  • And for $50 you can purchase a care package that includes both a parking pass and meal voucher.

Carrying this support forward means a lot and we are incredibly thankful for all your support in helping us make this happen.

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Donation Total: $100.00

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